Sunday, April 27, 2008

Response to "As the Machine Turns"

"As the Machine Turns" is an overall well written blog dealing with the current non-legalization standings of marijuana, both for recreational and medicinal purposes. It provides readers with necessary statistics, current issues, valid options, details, and stereotypical disputes. First and foremost, the author chose to write about an issue that is both current and debatable. Therefore, the written material is interesting and provoking, thus encouraging others to read it. The author includes numerous statistics, all of which help to emphasize the points the author is trying to make. Statistics always add validation and necessity. Furthermore, the author includes detailed aspects of legalizing marijuana, including stereotypes (gateway drug) and beneficial purposes (such as medicinal reasons). In addition to stating multiple concerns dealing with legalizing marijuana, the author also includes elaboration and support for each issue. The ample amounts of descriptions and details help to establish a stable and detailed article. Essentially, "As the Machine Turns" is a valid, well-supported, and well-written article discussing the legalization of marijuana.

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