Friday, February 8, 2008

This Isn't Monoply Folks

There was interesting news in a recent article found on The Carpetbagger Report website regarding the Bush Administration. The article reveals that the Bush administration used the illegal torture method known as waterboarding on at least three prisoners they had detained. When the district attorney Mukasey was asked if there would be an investigation the answer was no due to the waterboarding was performed on the advice of a Justice Department legal. Also questioned was the illegal warrantless wiretapping program Bush had implemented, and again the defense was the same. Mukasey based the defense of not investigating because the Justice Department had given the o.k. and said it was lawful. The problem here is that torture is illegal and so is the unwarranted wiretapping and as to why the criminals are not being prosecuted is because in this case it is the President of the United States and the CIA that are the suspects. The administration is not being held responsible for its unlawful actions because the Justice Department has found a way to cheat the system that the writers of the constitution created. The executive branch is separate from the legislative branch; it is not the executive branch that interprets the law. Since when can a government official commit illegal acts and then in defense said well they(Justice Department) said it was o.k. and get away with it? Since when does ignorance to a law making breaking that law unprosecutable? The whole scandal sounds fishy, like the Bush administration is giving itself get out of jail free cards. I am paticularly astounded by the article, how can the law be twisted and corrupted in situations and then be justified because it is our government that is doing the law breaking? I was also shocked to see that the actual hearings took place in 2007 and just now I am finding out. I think the article is very beneficial to readers to show how corrupt the Bush administration is and how they aren't even covering up they are just getting out of jail for free because they are excersizing and abusing their power. I hope that whoever takes office after Bush will conduct a thorough investgation into the Bush administration and the legality of its policies. It is articles such as this one that motivates me to want to become more involved in the political arena and investigate all the injustices performed by our government. Are we as a society going to sit back and let the laws written and approved by Congress be reinterpreted and carried out unlawfully by the executive branch officials?

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